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JC's College Years

I went to New England College (NEC) in Henniker, NH, to ski cross-country.  It might surprise some, but I did play a Division 1A sport.  Not badminton!  I did 1 year and realized that there was too much structure.  I got bored.  I raced for 5 straight years and I had had enough.  My best friend, Scott, got me involved in Rugby.  I played it for 10 years, then life caught up with me.  But it started at NEC.  My Junior year, I also joined the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, NH Beta.  Also during my Junior year, I spent a semester at the Arundel, UK, Campus.  All said, I had a lot of fun.  Below are the pictures.  Enjoy!  They are all scans of the originals from 1990 and therefore are not a clear and clean as I am used to!

New England College - Henniker, NH

(Under Construction)

New England College - Arundel, UK

My European Backpacking Trip

(Under Construction)