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Bernheim Forest 9-13-08

We took the boys hiking for the first time!  They loved it and we are planning on doing it more often.  For not a lot of money, we had a great afternoon!  Ethan in particular loved it but James also had a great time.  Both are looking forward to doing it again next weekend!  With a little bit of practice, we might be able to go camping!

Bernheim Forest was established in 1929 as a natural preserve.  Isaac Wolfe Bernheim, a German immigrant, had founded I.W. Harber Bourbon Company, opened the property, grateful for the opportunity he was given. 

At over 14,000 acres, it is the states largest privately owned nature preserve open to the public.  In 1992, the state declared the area the official state Arboretum, with over 250 acres devoted to showing the public the states horticultural history.

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